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Testing Inks on Paper

By Product Development, Research No Comments

As I mentioned in a previous post, the main problem we have been working on is finding a good solution for people who create many types of things. One of the problems with this is that it’s difficult to find just one notebook to suit different needs.

We were clear since the beginning that paper meant for drawing (with both ink and pencil) needs to be different from paper meant for taking notes or technical drawings. So, we set out on a mission to find the ideal paper for each of these uses. And boy, did we do a lot of searching!

Above you can see a few of the tests we ran with different types of ink and different types of paper. Koldo is particular about drawing paper and I’m particular about writing paper, so we put our focus on each area until we found solutions we were both happy with.

For the drawing paper, Koldo tested with various markers that are popular among artists and illustrators.


For the writing paper, we ran different tests using everything from regular cheap Bic pens to higher-end and fountain pens.

We tested for bleed-through, fuzziness, smoothness and glide, scanner friendliness, and feel of the paper. We finally found two that we think are just amazing and they are acid-free archival quality and environmentally friendly.

We can’t wait to get them into new prototypes and start the heavy field testing!

Paper Decisions

By Product Development, Prototype No Comments

Yesterday we got a lot of paper samples in the mail. We were and still are so excited about choosing which papers to use! Some of the papers are beyond gorgeous and the colors are rich and full. It’s very exciting! But, we have to confess, it does feel a little bit overwhelming.

When you multiply that with the amount of paper samples we now have to choose from, the possibilities are about limitless, which is both a good and a bad thing.


Our initial product will have a total of 7 different papers and that’s not including any packaging.

Our next step will be spending time narrowing down the color combinations we like, making prototypes with those, and running tests on the writing paper to see which work best for all the different uses we need it for.

I believe we’ll be having a lot of meetings and a lot of coffee this week!