PeopleSeePeople is about first impressions; how we see other people and how they see us. They approached us with their online app developed by engineers, but needing a friendly human touch to carry forward their brand and offer a meaningful experience. This was a fascinating project for us because it brings aspects of human psychology into new technology. Some things change, yet so many things stay the same!
We consulted on several parts of the user experience and flow and formed everything into an online visual presence that’s engaging and easy for the visitor to use.
The Challenge
Finding a compromise between what would be visually pleasing and also easy to use.
The Solution
Each page in the app was carefully considered to make sure it was as clear as possible. This meant redefining how charts were displayed in the results, re-designing the user profile layout, and other functionality as well as defining a brand to compliment it.
Services Provided: User Experience and Visual Design