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Last year, we envisioned and brought to life a series of notebook and systems for creative people. At the time, what we wanted most was to experience the journey. So we dove in headfirst and it was a magic time! There were a few difficult moments,  but on the other hand, we were amazed by the enormous and sincere support from so many people who wanted to support us and see our products come to life.

Because our first notebook products didn’t reach the market due to lack of funding and logistical problems with production, by the time we needed to make a decision, we felt it would be better to keep creating new alternative products than get stuck with a product that was very expensive to produce for a startup business like us. Still, we keep hope that there will be a right time for it in the future.

The past few months we’ve brainstorming a lot out in the garden, improvising spontaneous martini meetings to make decisions, dreaming out loud, and refilling our batteries. The last couple of years, I’ve been working on a series of experiments to help myself find motivation and meaning on a daily basis using images, drawings, organizational tools and other stuff. At the same time, Naomi was also working on different ideas for daily planning and organizational tools.

At one stage, all these ideas from both of us seemed to magically click into one. We both felt butterflies in our stomach when the moment was right. And now the ball must roll again. We have a number of different products that we will be producing this year, one at a time. We still believe that analog and working with your hands is as important today as it ever was. So yes, they’ll all be paper tools.

Some of these products will also be very much oriented toward recovering and developing the feminine aspects of everyday life and what it means to be a creative person. Both Naomi and I are very aware that this is a very important moment for the world to embrace the original wisdom of the feminine nature.

Other products will be dedicated to recovering the child within us and giving ourselves permission to feel creative, happy, and full of illusion every day of our lives.

The first product that we’ve been working on for the last few months is a planner system that has a lot to do with feelings and motivations. In fact, we started working on this planner just for ourselves, so we could bring light and energy to our days and be more connected and in tune with our emotions.

From now on,  you’ll be seeing more about our new products and progressions as well as other creative endeavours we’re working on. It’s been a few months of necessary hiatus because we’ve felt we need a secret space for a while to get the most of our creativity. But now it’s time to share and dream together. We look forward to staying in touch with you and appreciate very much your feedback and ideas.

We’re sure this is going to be a wonderful year full of creative adventures! Thank you for being here with us.


Author admin

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